Thursday, August 6, 2009

Chapter 12 Reflection

In chapter 12, the book is wrapped up with professional educational requirements. This chapter spends some times going over specific requirements for teachers and certifications that are available concerning technology. The chapter also gives tips and resources for becoming current on the latest technology with trainings for educators. For a teacher, it is important to stay current with the ever-changing technology. New devices and programs that come out are going to be very beneficial to teachers and students to further diversify the classroom and make it more fun and incising for children to want to learn. I would want to stay current on what new technological advances are available, which is why it is important to know where and how to stay up to date.

Chapter 11 Reflection

In chapter 11, the books dives into different kinds of issues when dealing with the internet. This chapter gets into issues like copyright, privacy, social issues, and ethical issues. It is very important for students to learn not only what they can do on the internet, but more importantly what they should not do and where the lines of ethics are. With so much technology being thrown at kids today it is important that they also be aware of what is inappropriate use of the internet, especially if it is being used in the classroom. The chapter also covers new emerging technologies like virtual environments and wiki. These new technologies will quickly be entering the classroom and it is important for teachers to get a basic understanding of how to use them. In my own classroom, I think it will be very important to spend time enforcing rules about the internet and make sure students are aware of what is and what is not acceptable.

Chapter 10 Reflection

In chapter 10, I learned about distance learning and the benefits to introducing it to students. There are a lot of new technological advances that make this kind of learning possible. The chapter covers these advances that include videoconferencing, email, and internet chats. Distance learning is a fairy new idea but it can be very useful to people and can make learning happen from anywhere. The chapter also gives teachers some tips and ideas for teaching a “virtual classroom” as it is very different than actually being with the students face to face. Distance learning is very helpful for students who have other things that are going on during a typical school day. For students who have jobs or who are traveling with sports teams, distance learning is perfect because it can be done from anywhere at any time of the day. This is something I would want to somewhat introduce to a classroom. While I think face to face time with students is important, there are always special circumstances that would make this kind of classroom easier for students and teachers.

Chapter 9 Reflection

In chapter 9, I learned about the many ways to use technology to learn and teach through devices that use audio and visual. Because of technology there are many new devices that teachers and students can use to enhance the learning in the classroom and they focus on learning through visual or audio or both. These devices become very useful in a classroom. For a teacher, it is always important to be able to find different ways to pass on information to students, especially in a ways that is new and exciting. Also, kids learn in different ways. Some kids learn better though visual senses and some kinds learn better by hearing information. These new devices can cater to more students but having different ways of presenting information. I think devices like these are very important for the classroom and someday my own because it not only provides the students with a diverse way of learning, but it is a way to cater to many different learning types.

Chapter 8 Reflection

In chapter 8, we continue learning about the internet but in a way that is more focused on the classroom with specific classroom websites for example. Classroom websites are explained quite a bit throughout the chapter and many of the benefits that go a long with them. There are some tips and tools for teachers when trying to create a website for the classroom. The website can serve many purposes for the students, teachers, and even the parents. This is a great way to keep everyone in the know about what is going on with the school and the students. Any important information can be looked up quickly via internet on the classroom website. I think this is a great idea for classrooms because it can serve as an important tool to keeping good communication with everyone in the classroom. I would create this kind of website for my own classroom in hopes that it will keep students and parents more in the loop and help run the classroom a bit smoother.

Chapter 7 Reflection

In chapter 7, we are introduced to the internet and the variety of ways it can be used within the classroom. There are a lot of common services provided by internet service providers. One very important service is email. Email can be very useful for teachers and students. It is a great way to establish communication between teachers, students, and parents so that everyone can be included as to what is going on. Another great thing about the internet is that it can provide many educational websites available for teachers and students. There are educational websites that are available for referencing certain subjects as well as covering material in a fun way, like through puzzles and games. I think these are great tools to have in the classroom because it can get away from pencil and paper and bring some fun into the lesson with games that help students learn material in a fun but educational way.

Chapter 6 Reflection

In Chapter 6, we are introduced to academic software. Academic software can be a variety of programs that will help teachers and students in many ways. I learned about graphic software which can be used to create and edit different images that can be used for a variety of reasons. Other software is introduced and briefly explained for educational purposes in this chapter that include illustration software, imaging software, and editing software. These software programs can help teachers be able to present information in the most helpful way for students to be engaged in the lesson as well as help them to learn. Tutorial software is included and is very helpful for students. This kind of software is more like a reference tool that students can use to find information on any subject. All of the software presented in this chapter can be very useful to not only teachers, but to students as well. These programs are something I would want and use in my classroom for a variety of ways to present the information I wanted to present.

Chapter 5 Reflection

In chapter 5, I learned about being able to identify, evaluate, and apply computer software. There are several computer applications that the chapter goes over and they all have a lot of importance for teachers. Software types like word processing software, electronic spreadsheets, data management systems, and presentation software are all common applications that are used and can be very beneficial to teachers. Word processing software is great to make newsletters, exams, or flyers within the classroom and has many tools to make great documents. Electronic spreadsheets are perfect for doing any kind of calculations like adding grades and finding the class average then displaying a graph or chart. Data management is an important tool for keeping data organized in a certain way. Presentation software is great for teachers who want to present their lessons in a different way and want to incorporate pictures, graphs, and sounds. All of these applications would be very useful for a future teacher.

Chapter 4 Reflection

In chapter 4, I learned a lot about technological devices that will enhance the classroom in many ways. I learned how digital cameras, scanners, graphic tablets, microphones, touch screens, and electronic white boards can make learning much easier and a lot more fun for students and teachers. There are also some output devices that can be used in the classroom such as data projectors, scan converters, and speakers that will provide many opportunities to present information within the lessons. This chapter gives a lot of great ideas about using different devices to incorporate into the classroom. Having these kinds of devices available in the classroom will give students a variety of ways to learn as well as give them some opportunities to have fun with the tools they are given rather that just copying notes from the backboard all day. I want these devices available in my classroom to mix up lesson plans and to make sure students are continuously engaged in the material.

Chapter 3 Reflection

In chapter 3, I learned about a lot of the basics of a computer. Many of the technical names that I was not previously aware of were explained in this chapter. Input and output devices are covered within the chapter and it also explains that these components are important for teachers to know and understand these basics. The chapter also covers different types of storage devices and which one is the most appropriate for specific uses. This is very important for teachers to know because teachers will most likely need to store many files on a short term basis as well as files on a long term basis. These are all important for teachers to know and I would definitely use all of this information in not only the classroom, but just as basic computer skills for everyday life. I would want to save all of the lessons I use to see what I can use for the next year and which ones did not work out so well and should be altered.

Chapter 2 Reflection

In this chapter, I learned about the “design-act-plan” system; a three part system to help teachers create effective lessons for the classroom. Next, I learned about The Dynamic Instructional Design Model, a model to assist teachers in a more flexible teaching approach. This chapter gave me a good idea about what kind of things one must remember when teaching a classroom full of students. It included a lot of good ideas as well as templates for teacher to use. A big part of being a teacher is making sure everything is covered as well as organized and this chapter really enforces that and gives a great outline about what points to cover when getting ready for a classroom of your own. Each teacher will ultimately have their own style of teaching but they usually stem from a more broad style of teaching and I will be able to use this chapter as a reference to remember to cover all of the bases I need covered for being an educator.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Chapter 1 Reflection

In this chapter, I learned about the different ways of learning. Communication is a major part of learning and there can be factors that can interfere. I also learned about different learning perspectives and styles. From this we get an idea about the teacher’s point of view and how technology can be important and useful in the classroom. This chapter was a good overview about technology in the classroom and why we should use it. I gave me a good idea of what classrooms were like in the past sans the technology we have available to us today and it becomes clear why it is a large advantage to students, teachers, and parents. In my own classroom, I would definitely incorporate many uses of technology, not only to help students familiarize themselves with it, but to also cater to many of the different learning styles I will find in one class of students.